Logo Design Packages India

Pricing, as simple as it gets

PPC Plan Basic








Initial concept 2 6 10 12
Design 4 10 Unlimited Unlimited
Redraw 0 2 3 4
Colorfull 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok
B&W Logo for 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok
Letter head 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok
Envelope 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok
Visiting Card 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok
Company File(Folder) 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108666_button_ok
Employe Id Cards 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108666_button_ok
Brochures 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108666_button_ok
Email Signature 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108655_button_cancel 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok
Editable Source File 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok
Refunds No Refunds No Refunds 1438108666_button_ok 1438108666_button_ok
Satisfaction Guaranteed! Guaranteed! Guaranteed! Guaranteed!
Time Frame 2 Days 4 Days 8 Days 10 Days

Note: Final files are editable source file (contains AI, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PDF & GIF). All our packages are affordableand best valued as per your requirement. We believe in doing quality work in set frame of time. Our pricesare quoted according to the market standards to reach more customers all over the world.
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Note: E-Brochures per page cost is Rs 2999

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